01634 844152

Service Pupils


Brompton Westbrook has a very successful Military Kids Club. Many children in school access this provision. The club runs one lunch time a week and it enables Military children the opportunity to get together and talk about Military life.

The children are able to share experiences of different countries that they have lived in and how they feel when their parent is working away from home.  Miss Thomas runs the club  alongside Anthony from Army Welfare Services and arranges the activities. They are able to offer emotional support to children that might feel vulnerable.

The Military Kids Club is open to children from Year 1 to Year 6.

Miss Thomas and Anthony at times run after school clubs such as cooking and are keen to deliver workshops throughout the year provided by the charity Little Troopers. Please click on this link to find out more about Little Troopers to see what other resources are available for your child.

Mini Troopers

Mini Troopers just like MKC is a time for service children to get together, this club however is exclusive to out littlest troopers in reception. The idea behind mini troopers is for the children to share their experiences of army life, though they may not have moved between schools just yet but they may have or are currently experiencing a parents deployment . Mini troopers forms a safe base for children to talk and play with added pastoral support from Miss Thomas.

Pastoral/ Emotional well-being support

At Brompton-Westbrook we understand the emotional strain deployments and postings have on a service child. Through the help of the service pupil premium, we are able to offer 1:1 pastoral support to our service children when they join, transition to leave and throughout their time here with us.


Deployment/ Postings

In order to give your child the best possible support during difficult times such as deployments and postings we really appreciate when our families keep us in the loop. When you are aware of an up coming deployment or move please get in touch with Miss Thomas via the office where she can go through any additional support on hand for your child to help them with important transitions.

Reading Force 

Reading force is a free in initiative available to those serving, reservist, veteran, injured- as well as divorced/ separated partners and children of forces personnel.

“At Reading Force, we are passionate about using books to bring Forces children and families closer together. Our shared reading initiative encourages families to read, talk, and scrapbook about a book, improving communication and enriching relationships with books and each other – one page at a time.”

They deliver books and scrapbooks directly to your door which has helped many families during lock down. As restrictions ease, you can still use their materials to keep in touch with a deployed parent and wider family.

Scrap books are available for children to collect at school from Miss Thomas and for more information and to sign up visit the reading force website here.
