The PE and Sport Allocation is funding provided to schools in addition to main school funding. This funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on the provision of PE and sports in schools.
Starting in 2013 the government has provided additional funding to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sports in primary schools.
Funding for schools is calculated by reference to the number of primary aged pupils (between the ages of 5 and 11), as recorded in the annual schools Census.
It is for schools to decide how the PE and Sports Funding is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made to enhance the provision for PE in schools. Schools are to be held accountable for how they have used the additional funding.
From September 2013, this information must be published on the school website. The documents below show how the funding has been spent and its impact.
Sports Premium Impact Report 2024
2023 - 2024 end of Year 6 swimming data:
Children who could swim more than 25 metres - 61%
Children who could swim a range of strokes - 56%
Children who could carry out self-rescue - 100%
Autumn & Spring Terms
Summer Term
Retained in 2019/2020