How much is dinner money?
School dinner is just £2.20 per day.
We have our own fantastic catering team and meals are cooked fresh each day on site. We operate a one day debt policy, so please ensure you keep your child's dinner money account up to date.
Our menu is varied and on a 4 week rota. You can see copies of them by following the links below:
Please find the next 4 week's below:
Week starting 20th January - Click here
Week starting 27th January - Click here
Week starting 3rd February - Click here
Week starting 10th February - Click here
All Menu's:
Please find our Natasha's Law Allergen matrix for the current 2024 - 2025 here
However, if your child is in Year R, 1 and 2 school meals are free through the Government's Universal Infant Free School Meals Scheme however you may also be entitled to apply for Free School Meals which might make you entitled to additional benefits.
Why should I apply for free school meals if my child is in Years R, 1 or 2?
Although the government provide Universal Infant Free School meals, the school receives pupil premium for each child entitled to free school meals. This amount is currently £1,320 per pupil so it will help the school funds. You may be eligible if you are in receipt of certain benefits and your household income is below £16,000. It is very easy to apply on the Medway Council website - use this link.
You will quickly get an answer and the school will also be informed. All you need is your contact details and your National Insurance number to apply.
How do I pay for my child's school lunch?
The school uses a computerised management information system called Arbor, you will be sent a link to enable you log-on to your child’s pupil profile as soon as he or she is enrolled with us. As we are a cashless school, all payments need to be made either via Arbor or via bank transfer.
If you would like to make a payment via Arbor for meals (or trips / B&A club, etc.) you will need to follow these simple steps:
- log onto your child’s pupil profile (If you have more than one child, you can scroll down to each additional child there.)
- under quick actions at the top, scroll to payments
- on this page you can see your balances or you can make a payment by clicking on the account you wish to top up. Click on the green “Top up account” button and follow the instructions.