01634 844152

School Curriculum

Here at Brompton Westbrook Primary teachers have worked hard to plan and resource an exciting and appropriately challenging curriculum that is ambitious, inclusive, enjoyable and relevant and builds upon what our children already know.

Please click here to take you to a SWAY which gives more information on our curriculum vision.

Reading is at the very heart of our curriculum, it is central to what we do.  Children have the opportunity to read and enjoy a range of books from a myriad of genres - enriching their vocabulary, knowledge and imagination.

To find out more about our curriculum click on one of the subject areas on the left hand side of the page.

01634 844152

School Curriculum

Here at Brompton Westbrook Primary teachers have worked hard to plan and resource an exciting and appropriately challenging curriculum that is ambitious, inclusive, enjoyable and relevant and builds upon what our children already know.

Please click here to take you to a SWAY which gives more information on our curriculum vision.

Reading is at the very heart of our curriculum, it is central to what we do.  Children have the opportunity to read and enjoy a range of books from a myriad of genres - enriching their vocabulary, knowledge and imagination.

To find out more about our curriculum click on one of the subject areas on the left hand side of the page.